There's a good story that I read once, well here goes the story, and for some reasons I somehow recall this story, and I'm dying to tell this story...There was a fox that came to a farm one night, but unfortunately he was to fat and clumsy so that he just fell into the farmer's trap. He was so shocked. Feeling panic, the fox cried out. The farmer, who heard the fox's cry came out his house bringing a gun and cried out all the way.The fox, scared, desperately bit his tail, and let his tail left on the trap, then the fox ran away. Back in the woods he looked at his back. Seeing he has no tail now he thought that it would be shameful to return to his friends. So he thought of a way. Then a moment latter the fox met his friends.
"hey, where have you been?" His friends asked the fox seeing that the fox was rather nervous somehow.
"umm I've been running through the woods..." The Fox replied, while thinking of something in his mind.
"hey! what happened to your tail?" One fox asked, the others than realised that The Fox has lost it's tail.
"I cut it off!" The fox replied.
"Why?" The others begin to wonder.
"I felt that my tail just bothers me when I run, so I thought why should I have this beautiful looking tail but actually it is useless and just holds me down!" The Fox smiled, while his friends just murmured and keep saying what a wonderful idea to cut their tail. The Fox then said again, "You should cut your tails too! it's useless to have them!"
a moment latter the leader of the pack came, he was asking what are they doing, the other fox explains that they found a great idea about getting rid of their tails. The leader than stood still.
The Fox that lost it's tail then said, "yes leader, it's useless!"
The leader than replied simply "is it true?". Then the leader just laugh.
The Fox looked puzzled, "what's the matter? what's funny?"
"you are!" the leader said, than he stops laughing, "you're just saying those things because you have lost your tail. If you have your tail now, you wouldn't say your tail is useless, but because you have lost it somehow so you told us that having a tail is useless, so that others may experience the same lost as you are! what a fool..."
yea,, yang ini pake indo aja deh... rada bngung gwa make bahasa inggris...hehe...
right, so what I'm trying to say is, kita itu sering kali seperti fox yang kehilangan ekor itu. kita sering kali (deeply) obsesed, terlalu menginginkan sesuatu, dan ketika kita tau bahwa kita ga mampu memilikinya, kita ga mampu mendapatkannya kita cuma bilang, "ah itu mah ga penting..." dan bahkan kita ngejelek-jelekin hal tersebut.
hal itu smua wajar.. it's in our blood. kita nglakuin itu smua (ngejelek-jelekin n anggep ga perlu) sbenernya cuma untuk menciptakan pola pikir di kepala kita, "ngapain gwa punya ini?" ato "ngapain gwa nglakuin itu?". cara mikir kayak gtu emang ga salah, gwa juga kayak gitu sometimes,, ketika gwa over addicted ama warnet gwa ga tau knapa mikir, "ngapain gwa spend 4000per jam di warnet? kan gwa isa simpen itu duit!" dan pemikiran itu terus yang ngebuat gwa isa stop ama warnet.
tapi slain baik pemikiran kayak gtu jga isa ngga baik juga. example, contohnya aja.. I wanted a harley davidson because all of my friends have one, and since I asked my parents and they said no, and Idon't have enough money to afford one, jadinya gwa bilang,, "ah ngapain gwa punya harley? anak-anak pada bego ajah.. pada ga tau apa harley tu ribut, ga keren, makan tempat, ngabisin bensin lagi!"
got it?
yea,, ga smua orang isa nrima keadaan mereka dengan gampang, ada orang yang ga isa nrima keadaan mereka dan akhirnya 'melahirkan' pola pikir kayak gitu, buat gwa personally sih gwa risih aja ama orang yang kayak gitu... yaaa gimana yah,, kesannya dia cma lyad hal jeleknya ajah si... balik ke harley, yea walau harley ribut, ga keren, makan tempat, ngabisin bensin, tapi harley kan jga ada sisi baiknya... ga liat harley tu kenceng, enak dibawanya, 'lugagenya' gede, dll..
so from all the things I stated above, gwa pengen ada perubahan di generasi kita ini, salah satunya adalah gwa pengen generasi ini, KITA bwat ngeliat jangan cuma dari satu sisi ajah, dan blajar buat berlapang dada.. accept things.. gwa jga susah nrima keadaan gwa skarang ini, keadaan dimana gwa sperti narapaidana yang terpenjara dengan batas yang ga kliatan = (simply) gwa gag bebas. tpi bokab gwa ngomong ke gwa, alasan gwa di limitasi pemakaian motor, pemakaian komputer, serta suruh ngajar itu ada maksudnya juga.. bokab gwa pengen gwa blajar independent. Bokab mau gwa tu dewasa dalam ngeliat hal-hal, dewasa dalam berfikir.
back to the topic,, jangan butain mata kita sebelah sisi. jangan cuma liat jeleknya aja, atau bagusnya aja... trust me, liat satu sisi itu pasti akan ngebuahin hal yang ga baik... ngeliat cewe cuma dari plusnya doang contohnya,, kita tau dia kaya, cantik, fashionable, langsung deh kita klepek-klepek ama dia... padahal kita ga tau kalo itu cewe terkenal dan terbukti suka maenin cowo, ngedrugs, ngrokok, ngemiras, dll.. nah lho... ga enak kan... ato ngeliat seseorangd ari minusnya ajah... ih tu anak mukanya somplak, pendek, krempeng, idup lagi! padahal kita ga tau kalo ternyata itu anak ternyata friendly banget, terkenal suka nolong orang, dermawan, humoris, baek...
never see only one side of the card, because if you do so, you would never know behind the card,, dan blajar buat nrima keadaan... dulu pas class meeting kelas 2, gwa bener2 ga trima kalah dari kelas ipa2.. gwa jga perna ga trima banget pas gwa scara sepihak disuruh ngajar, dan pas komputer gwa di 'sita' ama bokap tanpa gwa ngelakuin apa2 yang ga bener... untung nrima keadaan gwa jga masi susah,, tapi teteb gwa mau nyoba... lw pada mau nyoba juga?
apapun yang terjadi terima aja... a win is a win, take it easy, a loss is a loss, be a man...
gwa nemu satu ayat yang cukup berkesan bwat gwa....
"Dengan telanjang aku keluar dari kandungan ibuku, dengan telanjang juga aku akan kembali ke dalamnya. TUHAN yang memberi, TUHAN yang mengambil, terpujilah nama TUHAN!"(ayub 1:21)
apapun yang terjadi, terimalah itu smua, praise the Lord...
sincerely yours,,
bhea yang pengen ke HYPERMART... HYPERMART!!!!
About Me
- Bhea
- That guy who designs just for fun,, that guy who writes just to inspire,, that guy who enjoys music just to keep living,, that guy,, he is bheaa..