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That guy who designs just for fun,, that guy who writes just to inspire,, that guy who enjoys music just to keep living,, that guy,, he is bheaa..

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

doubutsu apalah gwa ga tau....

menanggapi link di facebook yang gwa dapet,, jadi gwa mau post tentang 'pengalaman' gwa n kesan gwa di situs ituw...


kay,, akhirnya gwa isa masukin link...hehehe.... now,, these are my results... (BTW these apa theese?)


You are Blue Tiger, whose ways of talking is very noble and have a rock-steady stance.
This may make other people feel you are a difficult person to get to know.
But you can make peaceful personal relationships with anyone, and are a person of good balance.
You associate people with broad mind.
But at the same time, you are making your own judgment on personal criticism.
You are very diplomatic person.
You don't notice nicety in people, and tend to reason personal relationships with theory.
You don't fear having relationships with others, and can have relationship with anyone.
You are a very popular person.
But you sometimes worry about whether a person you are going out with is really in love with you.
You can plan things with extreme preciseness, and can act as planned by looking ahead of the times.
Though, you sometimes feel you want to be more adventurous.
You think positively on everything.
You don't get things down on you.
And even if you do get down, you can recover from that situation fast.
You are very fair.
You can be an ideal boss.
You would be endeared by those who are strong-minded.

kay,, kesan pertama gwa: gambarnya lucu...

skilas tentang doubutsu urenai:This is an official site of DOUBUTSU URANAI for you to enjoy the life at Noracom DOUBUTSU URANAI PREMIUM.
It is often difficult to understand other people's true personality at first site. It's not that easy even if you know the person well.
It is in a situation like these that you can make use of the DOUBUTSU URANAI.
DOUBUTSU URANAI uses the date of birth, based on the Four Pillars of Destiny, that breaks down the human characteristics into 12 different kinds of animals.

nah,, balik ke POV gwa... klo gwa boleh introspeksi diri menanggapi yang tadi diatas..

1. kalo gwa c mrasa orang lain gampang kenal ma gwa... tapi emang klo gwa ndiri ngrasa gampang buat deket ma orang-orang...

2. IYAH, pandangan gwa luas dan keras... dan gwa suka maksain pandangan gwa, intinya gwa ngrasa yang :"But at the same time, you are making your own judgment on personal criticism.
You are very diplomatic person.
You don't notice nicety in people, and tend to reason personal relationships with theory.
You don't fear having relationships with others, and can have relationship with anyone." itu bener... gwa kadang suka ngrasa orang tu muna... gwa ga sadar klo orang itu bae,, cma lyad yang jeleknya doang....

3. "You are a very popular person." ummm... ga tau deh...

4. "But you sometimes worry about whether a person you are going out with is really in love with you." ahahaha.... ga tau deh ya... gwa rada cuek... tpi emang c kadang gwa gitu... dan klo uda kayak gitu... wahhh... serem dah...

5. "You can plan things with extreme preciseness, and can act as planned by looking ahead of the times.
Though, you sometimes feel you want to be more adventurous." klo emang perencanaan sih iyaa... gwa orangnya harus di rencanain bgt,,, ga isa let it flow gitu... tpi klo masalah rencana jalan apa ngga,, beda crita itu yah...

6. "You think positively on everything." ngga juga... although mungkin 75% iya gwa rada posting... tau posting? POSitive TINGking.... (baca: thinking)

7. "You don't get things down on you.
And even if you do get down, you can recover from that situation fast." hemm 50:50 laa... gwa emang jarang down,, tpi klo uda down kayak lusa ene... ampe sakit gitu deh... ingedd hati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur... hepi-hepi biar sehat...

8. "You are very fair." kaga... pelit sih iya...

9. "You can be an ideal boss." yeah... ini yang gwa rada ngrasa 'minder' ampe skarang... gwa ga tau boss ama leader disini konteksnya sama apa ngga... tar kapan2 gwa post deh apa bedanya boss ama leader... eniwei mrs sari perna bilang ke reka, dan reka perna bilang ke gwa kayak gini... (kurang lebih) "mrs sari told me that you are a good leader, and I think she is right..."

gmana prasaan gwa pas dy blg gt? shock... dan mleleh...hahaha... mang uda basi sih,, 6 bulanan yang lalu... tpi terngiang-ngiang... =P

10. "You would be endeared by those who are strong-minded." wah jujur gwa ga ngerti maksudnya.... jadi gwa nanya mami eveline deh... kata dia :kamu akan terkesan dengan orang dgn pemikiran yg kuat.. ya iyala... sapa yang ga terkesan?hahaha...

umm... ini gwa ru dapet sms dari mami... katanya bukan terkesan tapi mbuat orang terkesan... jadi yang bener: kamu akan membuat orang yang pemikirannya kuat terkesan...

wew... makin ga tau deh gwa ya...hahaha.... XD
skian deh,, silahkan coba yawh....Cya~

sincerely yours,,
bhea yang mule sibuk...