Yapp.. If you've met me face to face, shake hand to hand mungkin you'll say I am one of those bastards yang arrogant.
Emangg.. Ga salah.. Gwa tu slah satu orang yg perna gw ketemuin yang paling 'jago' ngebangsat..
Wait wait wait.. Slama ene gwa ngomong bangsat2 tpi u pada tau ga mksdna? I refer bangsatisme as arogan, munafik, sadis juga kali, dll..
Sadis? Ya gw sadis.. Tanya aja ma murid2 gwa, pda suka bilang.. "ah mister mah jahat.. Sadis banget sih sir.." mister yah bukan mistar..
Munafik? Ya gw muna.. Apa yg gw omongin ga 100% gw jalanin dan apa yg gw omongin tu biasanya cuma asal omong dan kadang ga gw maksud-in.. But let me tell you one thing.. You will never know when will I joke and I play seriously.. Tuh mulai gw arogan..hahaha..
Arogan? Hemm kalo gw describe smua pasti 1 post ga bkal abis 1 jam juga..hahaha.. (mulai)..
You guys know the story of cloud strife? He was a big loser.. Dan maybe kisah gw ga jauh ama dia.. I'm a big loser too.. Tpi bedanya dia prlu OD macro sdangkan gw ga prlu OD ama macro..
I lied bout things, cma anehna kdang gw ga tahan, jadi gw crita lagi cthna klo ma joro,, "jor lw pcaya ma tadi gw blg apa?" trus kalo dia dgn simpel bkal blg,, "iya".. Dan ktawa lah gw dan ngaku akhirna..hahaha.. Ga tw deh.. I just love the way they react.. So natural.. So genuine..
Oh you know the worst part of me? Ask my chum.. He knows it more than I do..hahaha.. Gw c ga punya hard feelings (ralat, I do not have feelings..) ato pity maybe tepatna.. But ga tw knapa he hates me and it doesn't need superior brain bwat tau hal tsb..
Pas gw tau dy mulai nyerang2 gw, gw ptama biarin ja,, cma pas gw ge bete dan dia mule lagi, ya mulailah my so called bangsat mode.. Dan bis itu mulailah jeger2an.. U ask my friends gmana gw sehari2.. Psti blg bawel, ribut ama maybe they could say suka ktawa, trus tanya kalo bea marah gmana,, sum of them knew kog.. Gw susah bgt marah.. Even pas di bangsatin, cma klo ge bad mood+laper+dibangsatin.. Waw.. Undescribeable..Btw gw ngomong bahasa setan buqan krna marah loh ya..hahaha..
Jadi ngapain gw crita? Coz I feel like naluri hewan gw ma ratio gw tu sring kacau.. I think things to hard, even simple things.. Ga tw de, u bcandain gw dikit ja, maybe u don't meant it, tpi bkal kpikiran.. Apalagi klo ge malem ato pas ge bete di skul..wow..
When I say "simpel aja laa" trust me, I'm lying..
About Me
- Bhea
- That guy who designs just for fun,, that guy who writes just to inspire,, that guy who enjoys music just to keep living,, that guy,, he is bheaa..