Umm gw ge iseng aja.. Gw tau ini ga penting, but still.. Its trivial..hahaha..
I asked to myself,, ada brapa banyak warna c?
Trus gw inged mslh hex code.. Code yg buat warna.. Code yg terdiri dari 6 buah digit ato alpabet.. Kalau alphabet yg dipake a-z dan angkanya 0-9 maka dgn ilmu math gw *and google to count those gigantic sum* gw dapati jumlah hex code warna IF ALPHABET yg ada A-Z dan ANGKA yg dipake 0-9 maka gw mendapati jumlah hex code yg ada..
About Me
- Bhea
- That guy who designs just for fun,, that guy who writes just to inspire,, that guy who enjoys music just to keep living,, that guy,, he is bheaa..