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That guy who designs just for fun,, that guy who writes just to inspire,, that guy who enjoys music just to keep living,, that guy,, he is bheaa..

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Image.. Gambar,, kta manusia diciptakan sesuai dgn Gambar dan Rupa Allah..hohoho.. Cma kenapa beda2 yah? Trus emang image tu penting bgd ya?

It's because of image sidney 'beats' bams.. Its because image people fear of ceasar.. Its because of image people honor the emperors of china..

Is it important? Yea.. It is..

To make the whola thing clear, apa itu image? Image itu apa yg dipandang orang2 ketika orang2 membicarakan kita.. Kalo orang2 tau kta sbagai pembunuh berdarah dingin, ya jadi itulah image kita.. To make it simple, image itu jati diri kita..

Contoh yg rda real aja,, kta lyad GMB.. Lyad kta frontmannya sidney dan skrg ktika frontmannya bams.. Ktika frontmannya sidney GMB grew big, mreka tu bza maju en bkembang,, dan skrg,, havent heard anything.. We love the old GMB,, dan emg ga bza dipungkiri its because we love sidney.. Knapa emg?

Sidney, once a punk, was changed and used by God.. Dia dipake dan now, here he is.. Used by God amazingly.. Dia tekun dan tulus hidup dalam Tuhan..

Bams, vocalist of samsons, terkenal dgn playboyish life dia,, tkenal nyamping sana sini, and now he take the role as GMB's frontman.. I love the idea tentang gmb community,, mreka bkin komunitas gt, its good.. Tpi kl ga diurus? Ya zma aja boong..

So our life is predestenied by our image? No.. Kta bza ubah image kita.. Kalau kta mau.. Kalau bams mau buang image lama dia supaya he fits with his role, dia bisa.. Satu2nya cara ya tinggalin kehidupan lama dy yg nyleneh,, bqan mksdna kehidupan samsonsnya ye,, tpi khidupan playboy dan lifestyle dy yg lama.. From many interviews about him, gw bza lyad dy ga 'niat' dlm GMB.. Nothing pesonal, tpi ni yg gw lyad.. So to fit one role kita harus sesuaiin image kta dgan role kta..

Cara lain bwat ubah image kta ya dgan ubah how we look.. Dlo pas sidney btobat dan brubah dari seorang punk jadi wl dy ubah gaya dy, how he dress himself, how he looks.. Smuanya.. Dari gaya rambut urakan jadi belah pinggir, bajunya yg serem jadi baju2 rapi and casual *maybe* tpi at least he changed how he looked, to help him change his image.. *kl ga prcaya dger ja one of his sermons.. Ada kog..*

Im not saying u can change your image in one night,, tpi ya if you want to, you can, with process..

Gw pgen 'buang' image bandel gw dan ngubah jadi sumthing I have in mind.. Hard, but possible.. Gw mw sesuaiin image gw dgan siapa gw skrg.. Ga gampang, tapi pasti bisa!! Ganbatteeee!!

Would you like to have that certain image?