About Me

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That guy who designs just for fun,, that guy who writes just to inspire,, that guy who enjoys music just to keep living,, that guy,, he is bheaa..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My new DP : Lapis Legit

jadi saking cintanya gw ama lapis legit gwa merasa perlu memasukan gmbar lapis legit ke DP gw...hahahaha... kay so bout my newest DP... far more simple than my previous one,, cma I like it better... for the 'effects' yg gwa masukin...

I add some noise there... that's for sure... trus gwa jga menerapkan skill2 'basic' yg gwa plajari (from my previous posts),, disitu gwa mulai maen2 ama yg namanya layer styles dan manipulasi di bagian atas (lupa namanya) yg ganti2 hue saturation gt2 de... and for the main text... gwa ambil 'stempel' terbaru gw yg gwa bkin di logo maker,,  more futuristik (and promising),, and itu aslinya not plain blue... sbenerna dari warna item gw convert ke item, bru dikasi efek layer blending dan trakir gradient overlay... and to make the lapis legit picture,, itu pake pixel stretch,, a tricky one... dan yg trakir stelah gwa merge visibel akhirna baru gw maenin di bagian hue saturation and the gang...

bout the 2 20:17,, can u guess?