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That guy who designs just for fun,, that guy who writes just to inspire,, that guy who enjoys music just to keep living,, that guy,, he is bheaa..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


abis gw lyad berkali2,, kykna bagus juga jadi poster pelem horror asia...hahahahahah... kay explenations..

1.background yg gw pake adalah background kuburan,, gara2 nyari tu background gw smpet mrinding malem2...
2.Gw bkin c jorro tu jadi kayak patung,, bukan makhluk halus,, tpi malah turns out jadi makhluk halus.. yowes lah..
3. garis kuning2 itu lightning streak effect,, bsa dibilang hiasan duang c.. cma mksd gw pertama x kan kalo makhluk halus ada kayak spirit-al things gt yg nyala2,, nah itu dy mksd gw..hahahahahh...
4. maenan yg dipake extract, layer blending layer dan mostly filter2,, oh and now I use burn and dodge tools too!

my oppinion ttg ni project : total fun and total joke! tapi disini gwa jadi blajar lagi memakai beberapa tool photoshop yg sblmna gw kurang bisa...yes yes...hehehehee... kay,, bwat the next 1WD,, let's wait and see....hehehehe..